Facts, Stats, Websites and Resources
Dyslexia.com states the following facts based on reported cases of dyslexia
According to The State of Learning Disabilities, Third Edition, 2014: *Dyslexia is the most prevalent and well-recognized of the subtypes of specific learning disabilities. *Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia, Dyspraxia and ADHD often co-exist with Dyslexia FACTS AND TRENDS FROM "UNDERSTOOD.ORG" Barton Affiliated website http://brightsolutions.us Check out every tab! Amazing information about struggling readers and spellers. Loads of resources. There is no "quick-fix" for students with major struggles in reading. Any individual or organization promising or guaranteeing rapid gains should be carefully questioned. |
Must Read Books Overcoming Dyslexia: A New and Complete Science-Based Program for Reading Problems at Any Level ,by Sally Shaywitz, M.D. Yale University, 2003 Essentials of Dylexia Assessment and Intervention, by Nancy Mather & Barbara J. Wendling, 2012 Phonemic Awareness in Young Children by Marilyn Jager Adams Ph.D, Barbara Foorman, Ph.D., Ingvar Lundberg, Ph.D., & Terri Beeler, Ed.D. 2006 |