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Inspirational People who have overcome Dyslexia
It's time to stop thinking of dyslexia as a "disability". Rather, it is a "difference" in brain neurobiology. It's a "disability" because we do not recognize it early enough and are "disabled" due to poor teaching practices not based on the science of reading acquisition. It's a disability because our schools do not teach the way these students need to learn. The way ALL students need to learn. They are smart. They are brilliant. They are "disadvantaged" and therefore made "disabled" by the lack of understanding of what research has informed us about teaching reading. That's not only unfair, its wrong. Here is a link to a video to explain dyslexia to your child.
Here are some videos to inspire you about your own "disability" or your child's, to encourage you to not let the label or the difference contain you, your brilliance, and your future success.
Here are some videos to inspire you about your own "disability" or your child's, to encourage you to not let the label or the difference contain you, your brilliance, and your future success.
Click here for an article on Shark Tank Star and millionaire real-estate mogul hasn't let her dyslexia get in her way.